And the earth was once flat too.
Science is the pursuit of the natural causes of things. It is not supposed to be based on assumptions, but rather on facts. We see a lot of things today going on under the name of science that are anything but science, they are the opinions of scientists. They use a "premise to proof" methodology, rather than a "proof to premise" method, which is what true scientific discovery is based on. The entire man made global warming farce is based on the premise that man's carbon output is the problem, and you are not allowed to challenge this presumption. But this point has never been proven. The few scientist that will brave being excommunicated from the scientific community, and having their public funding cut off, have let the facts drive their conclusions rather than a premise, and have discovered that increases in CO2 levels always follow increased temperatures, they do not lead it. Therefore, CO2 changes cannot be a cause of temperature change, but a symptom. We are racing to treat the runny nose, and not the rhinovirus.
Carbon Dioxide makes ups .54% of the Earth's atmosphere. Man contribution to Carbon Dioxide is .15% of the total CO2 in the atmosphere, which means mans Carbon footprint makes up .00081% of the atmosphere. Man cannot produce enough Co2 to make the changes that so many people are putting forward today. Furthermore, after the industrial revolution, when there we no emission controls on Factories, cars, or anything else, CO2 output from man was at an all time high, for some 40 years, and over that 40 years temperatures consistently went down.
The Oceans are the largest regulator of the amount of CO2, controlling over 80% of it. When the oceans warm up, they emit CO2, and when they cool down, they absorb it. They are the regulators of the Earth's atmosphere. There is only one body in our entire Solar System with enough power to change the temperature of the oceans: it is the sun. We are in a period of increased solar wind. That solar wind affects the creation of clouds and fewer clouds means more solar radiation on the oceans, causing them to warm. When the solar wind subsides, we develop more cloud cover, the oceans cool, and they begin to absorb CO2 instead of releasing it. There is a consistent correlation between solar activity and temperature. Solar activity is measured by how many sun spots can be seen, and astronomers have kept records for as long as we have had a telescope.
From a biblical perspective, God set the bounds of the earth, and everything moves at His decree. Our planet can naturally vary in temperature within His set parameters', and it does. Yes, because of sin man does make a mess of things (we are the only being on the earth that disobeys God), but God knew all that man would do before He even created the earth, and God will not fail to hold this thing together until He comes again.