I'd like to take a moment to introduce myself.
I was raised in blue collar home, my dad was a union steward, my mom was a secretary. My parents divorced when I was six, and I grew up with all the typical pains of a child from a divorced family. I went to public school, and joined the military after graduation. I lost my stepfather in 1983 and went through a bout of depression that lasted almost 10 years. In the spirit of hard working blue collar Americans I picked myself up, and at 26 years old found myself starting at the bottom of a company, and I worked my way up from there. I've been there now for 16 years now, and am an Assistant Vice President. I put myself through college, and I make a decent living but nothing spectacular. I bought a home, the ugliest house on the block, which is a nice home now, but I had to do all the work myself to be able to afford it. I want you to understand that I have faced some challenges in my life, and I've never had a life of privilege, and I've worked for everything I have. In today's society I am just a run of the average middle class American.
Furthermore, I have never been overly political, until now. But the following issues currently before you have caused an outrage in me that I have not experienced before in my life. I now see everything I have labored for being threatened by an out-of-control Administration that has no regard for what real Americans need or want.
The Cap and Trade and the Health Reform bills that this Congress is trying to ram down the throat of America has caused me a great deal of anger. Both of these bills would be disastrous for this county, and I am appalled at your support of them. I cannot and do not approve of you selling out my future and turning my health over to the Federal Government. There is certainly a need for healthcare reform, but having our Federal Government run it is not the answer. Let me take a moment and remind you of some of the 'successes' of our other Government run enterprises:
Public Housing is appalling, Public Education is a disgrace, Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac are disasters that almost destroyed this nation's financial system. Medicare and Medicaid are broke, and Social Security is an oxymoron – it gives no security to this society. Add to this a level of corruption that makes Enron look like a model company. The US Government has proven itself to be inept at any business venture it has ever engaged in, and I cannot expect any reasonable person to believe that Health Care will get better if our Government runs it.
Please remember that you were elected to serve the people of this State, and not your political party. I want to know that you have a backbone, that you are an individual, and that this country is more important to you than Politics. I need to put this in the strongest terms; I am ADAMANT in my opposition to these two bills. If you continue your party line support of this form of National Suicide, I, as a Citizen if this country, will do whatever is necessary to defend this nation against you and have you removed from office. If it requires cashing in my Retirement so my children have a future, so be it. If I have to become a community organizer, and spend my evenings going door to door, so be it. It is your constitutional duty to be responsible for your actions and to represent your constituency. Please do your duty.