Since the 1930's, the principles and concepts this nation was founded on have been ridiculed in almost every college in America. No matter where you went to school, you most likely were not taught what the men that founded this nation believed in, and because of that we have a very misguided idea of what the principles which our nation was founded on were.
Public Service was an honor, not a career. The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators that were truly of the people, and for the people, with the intent that they would serve their term(s), and when their service to their country was finished they would go back to a private sector job with no special or ongoing benefits. Any legislation they passed would directly impact them.
If we ever intend to see that again, and see the Citizens of the United States represented, and not special interests from every side, then 'We the People' need to return our Congressman in the House and Senate to citizen legislators. To do this we the people need to strip them of the perks and benefits that have crept in over the years and return this position to a place of honor, and not a career.
There are several things that I think would help. These are not all original ideas; I have simply boiled them down to a short list of actionable items that could realistically happen if the right people are elected in 2010.
1. Term Limits: 12 years only, one of the possible options below.
A. Two Six year Senate terms
B. Six Two year House terms
C. One Six year Senate term and three Two Year House terms
The principle here is that public service was never intended to be a career field, so let's remove the possibility of it being one.
2. Congressional Benefits Plans are eliminated.
Congress shall not have, nor create, nor participate in, any benefit plan that is not available to the citizens of their State. This includes, but is not limited to, Health Insurance, Life Insurance, Retirement, and Investment plans.
- The current Health Insurance plan will end 1/1/2012. Congressman can purchase an individual plan from the provider of their choice that is licensed to provide coverage in their home state.
- The current Retirement plan will end 1/1/2012. All funds currently in the Congressional Retirement Fund will be placed in the Social Security Fund. Congress will be eligible for the same Social Security benefits as any other citizen.
- Any other benefit plans will cease on 1/1/2012 as well
- There is no continuation of benefits beyond their term of service. This should be a moot point since there will be no benefits to be carried over!
After their public service they go back to the private sector just as the Founding Fathers intended them to, with no lifelong benefits. The Principle here is to make this a citizen legislature again.
If all the rest of America, from the small business man to the Union Employee, must renegotiate their contracts from time to time, it is past time that our Representatives have their renegotiated.
3. Congressional Pay Increases. Congressional pay will rise each year by the Consumer Price Index or 3%, whichever is less.
No one else in America has the luxury of voting themselves a pay raise, why should Congress. The practice breeds corruption. Since they are of the people, treat them as the people. If Congress passes laws that are damaging to this nation, they need to feel it in their wallet just like the rest of America does.
Ban on post-service lobbying. No Congressman may, during or after leaving office, accept employment or income from any lobbying organization. The penalty for violation is forfeiture of all income since leaving office.
The principle we are trying to communicate here is that when your services is done, you are done! You are no different than any other citizen.
As long as our Congressman are above the people, they will not make decisions and legislate in a way that is for the people. The office of a Congressman is to be a position of Honor, not of privilege, and we need to restore the office to that place. Make them live by the policies they pass and we will have better policies! If we do not, then we cannot expect our nation to see any improvement at all, regardless what your view of progress is.