Nope. No chance at all. But wait! , you say, you are one of them bible thumpin' Baptists that's always telling people they need to be born again or face the wrath of God! You must believe you can turn the country around.
No, I don't. I am of that extreme minority that Simeon and Anna were in when the Lord came the first time. They were not looking for a military messiah that would restore Israel, they were looking for the Saviour of their souls. I look to His coming, any day. I hold out no hope that our government can be turned around from its suicide course with socialism. I do not believe the United States will be a world power in the last days, and I believe we are in the last days, even the last hours, and I wait patiently for the coming of my Saviour to take me to my home in Heaven. Make no mistake, I do not enjoy watching the death of what was the greatest nation in the history of the world, anymore than Jeremiah enjoyed watching Israel go into bondage. But I have read the end of the book, and I know that this must come to pass.
I want you for a moment to consider what type of government will be in power during the Great Tribulation. Do you think it will be a great democracy or Republic? I do not. I think it is clear that this will be a totalitarian regime, and that any dissention will be met with swift execution. If all are required to receive the mark of the beast, which regulates their ability to buy and sell, then they effectively control their entire life. I don't pretend to know exactly what that mark will be, but I can tell you there are enough technologies available today to make this a reality tomorrow, if the public would accept it.
However, the thought that America will never be restored does not depress me, it spurs me on, because I know the time is short, and the coming of the Lord is at hand, and whatever impact I am going to have in this world I need to do now. Outside of the Word of God, no one can even hope to make any sense of the insanity of the days which we live in. Any sane and rational person can look at the actions taken by our own Government and know that they have signed the death warrant of the USA. Our National debt is now so large that there is quite literally no way to ever pay it off. We have no had our own rights over our own bodies surrendered to the Government in what they falsely label Heath Reform. We watch as corporations buy and sell governments, and where the only rule of law is the worlds golden rule: In the world, he who has the gold sets the rules. There are forces at work in the world today that have money beyond anything you and I could ever imagine. I borrowed money to buy a house, while they pay cash for a whole country.
So what should you do? If you do not know 100% for sure where you will spend eternity, I would love to tell you how you can in fact know that, just as I do. If you do know this, and you have a biblical testimony of salvation, please tell someone else while you still have the time and the liberty to do so.
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